Friday, December 1, 2017

Evaluating First Trimester

Yay! We are sending home report cards today. I have worked this trimester to understand our online grading system on PowerSchool, and I have found that it can be a useful method for communicating student progress. Please keep in mind that our trimester grades are based on assignment work, classroom observations, and discussions that I have with students. In order to earn a "P", kiddos need to have many instances of showing that they have mastered specific skills.

The links below will lead you to the district's information about PowerSchool. On it, you can access your child's learning progress. I also make small notes on some assignments. Please keep in mind that this is a quick note, so please excuse any grammatical errors or the like.

Video to explain:

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Note on Scores

In these ever-changing times of adjusting and advancing in education, grades have come a long way since the model of letter grades. In our school and district, we are working toward evaluating learning through a growth model. By doing so, we hope to give you a picture of your child's overall progress toward mastery. Our grades are not determined by a single test or average of scores, rather an inclusive process of discussions, observations, interactions, papers, and tests. I am constantly monitoring what the kiddos are learning, if they are learning it, and what I need to do differently if they are struggling.

One tool that I am using for the first time this year is PowerSchool. Teachers, parents, and even students can access PowerSchool in order to see and communicate the completion of assignments and daily behaviors.

For BEHAVIOR grades, we are focusing on one learning behavior throughout the day. The students know what they are practicing, and I keep a daily record to monitor them. At the end of the day, they are writing the behavior and their projected score for the day in the planner. I then check the planner and write my evaluation. I have already seen growth in their responsibility as we isolate the learning behaviors.  The ways the we evaluate the behaviors are as follows:

G - Good, Great, Super! The kiddo's actions fully supported the learning behavior, and he or she was a true star in that area. Their learning was helped by their actions, and they went above and beyond in the focus area.

S - Satisfactory.  The behaviors for the day may have been needing some support or reminders, but they did not stop anyone's learning. It was a pretty average day.

N - Needs Improvement. I needed to give a lot of reminders, guidance, and support in order for the kiddo to manage throughout the day. The learning was interrupted in the classroom of either self or others because of this.

For ACADEMIC grades (as noted in PowerSchool with either English Language Arts or Math), the evaluations run from an early understanding in the area to complete mastery of that area. Evaluating daily work can be challenging as I take in a variety of considerations in order to determine a score. For the FINAL report grades each trimester, I need to have a multitude of examples with work showing a total understanding. As you look at PowerSchool and papers that come home, you will notice that I use a letter to indicate which level your child demonstrated his or her work. Please keep in mind that this is only one item that I am evaluating and not the complete learning. The letters that describe the learning process are:

P - Proficient, Mastery, Complete Understanding. The work shows correct thinking and ability to process problems. The work fulfills the third grade requirements.

NP - Nearing Proficiency, Almost. This indicates a partial mastery of an area. There may be some errors in the work, but the central concepts are correct.

E - Early Stages, Emergent Learner. The practices are still in the beginning stages of learning. They need quite a bit of support in order to answer questions or work problems. There are many errors.

Thank you again for your patience and efforts in understanding this. I get to meet one-on-one with you in early November, but I can also meet before or after school if you have any questions or concerns. Please just email me or call me to set up a time.

Thank you!
Mrs. Urbaniak

Monday, August 28, 2017

Assignment Planners

The third-graders took home their planners today for the first time! If you haven't paid for the planner yet, your child will have written a note to bring $5 to do so. Please send it in when possible.

The planner is a handy tool for you to know what we did during the day. It is also a place that we write assignments (anything that is assigned as homework will be circled), highlight special things or needs we have, or communicate anything else.

I talked to the students about this, but please have an adult check it daily and then initial it. I hope that it helps you to know some of our activities for the day. If you have questions about an event, you can ask your kiddo or email/call me to get more information.

Thank you!
Mrs. Urbaniak

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Beginning of the Year

Hello! The first day of school is Thursday, Aug. 24. The first bell rings at 8:15, although we teachers will be outside at 8:00.  But guess what! You don't have to wait until Thursday morning to meet you teacher or bring your supplies! We will be opening the school from 3:30 - 4:00 on Wednesday, Aug. 23 for a Meet and Greet/Supply Drop-Off, and then you are invited to enjoy some ice cream outside from 4:00 - 4:30!

If you cannot make it during the official time, please feel free to email me at or drop by the school between the hours of 7:50 - 3:50. I am going to be in the building working on preparing for the school year, and I would really like the opportunity to meet each student and family and organize supplies before the first day.

I am looking forward to our time we will spend together.

Mrs. Urbaniak

Evaluating First Trimester

Yay! We are sending home report cards today. I have worked this trimester to understand our online grading system on PowerSchool, and I have...